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Apr 23, 2024

Companion Candles to Ignite Self-Discovery

Taurus Season

April 20 - April 19

Element: Earth

Assertive · Adventurous · Passionate

Aries season bursts forth with vigor on March 19th, enveloping us in its fiery and assertive energy, inviting us to embark on an adventure of courage, self-discovery, and dynamic action. This celestial season's spiritual teachings call upon us to recognize the power of initiative and individuality, while simultaneously urging us to channel our passion and determination toward constructive endeavors.

In this bold and energetic season, we are motivated to embrace our inner warrior and take charge of our lives with unwavering confidence. Aries encourages us to seize opportunities, set ambitious goals, and boldly step into the unknown. It reminds us that we possess the strength and resilience needed to overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

Aries also calls upon us to honor our individuality and assert our authentic selves. It is a season that celebrates the unique qualities that make each of us who we are. This is a time to embrace our passions and desires, to boldly express our identity, and to live life unapologetically.

While Aries teaches us the value of courage and self-determination, it simultaneously encourages us to consider our impact on the world. This season reminds us of the significance of taking action and making a positive contribution to society. We can harness the energy of Aries to pursue our passions and advocate for causes that align with our values.

In a humanitarian context, embracing Aries season means not only taking bold action in our own lives but also using our determination and passion to effect positive change in the world. It calls us to be advocates for justice, to stand up for the rights of others, and to lead by example through steadfast commitment to our values.

As we embrace the fiery energy of Aries, may we fearlessly pursue our passions, advocate for those in need, and lead with unwavering determination. In the passionate embrace of this season, let us find the strength to make a lasting impact, ignite change, and leave a legacy of inspiration and empowerment for generations to come.

Cast Your Light Upon: 

  • How can I harness the bold and energetic energy of Aries season to take charge of my life with confidence and determination?

  • In what ways can I honor my individuality and assert my authentic self during Aries season?

  • What positive contribution can I make to society during this season, and how can I use my determination and passion to effect change?

  • How can I lead by example in my commitment to my values and principles during Aries season?

  • How can I embody the gifts of courage, self-discovery, and dynamic action in my daily life and humanitarian endeavors?

in Libra: March 25, 2024

On March 25, the Full Moon in Libra calls upon us to seek balance and deep connections, resonating with the harmony present in our relationships. It invites us to embrace peace, cooperation, and unity, reminding us of the sacredness inherent in our partnerships and soulful connections. As we navigate this phase, we are encouraged to cultivate a sense of fairness and understanding, drawing upon the profound energy of equilibrium that surrounds us.

This lunar influence gently guides us to prioritize harmony and justice in our interactions, urging us to approach others with empathy and a willingness to find compromise for the greater good. Through these spiritual acts of kindness and compassion, we weave a tapestry of unity within our communities, grounding ourselves in a world where genuine connection and mutual respect flourish.

New Moon in Aries: April 8, 2024

On April 8, the New Moon in Aries invites profound introspection and collective transformation. It urges us to embody courage and determination, both individually and collectively. Individually, this celestial event prompts us to delve into our inner selves, tapping into reservoirs of strength to pursue aspirations with unwavering conviction. Through introspection, we confront fears and limitations, fostering personal growth and empowerment.

The influence of this New Moon calls upon us to recognize our interconnectedness with the broader world. It challenges us to use our individual power and influence to effect positive change on a societal level. Whether advocating for social justice, fostering innovation, or nurturing compassion within our communities, we are called to channel our inner fire towards the greater good.

Illuminate the Wisdom of the Season with Our Aries Companion Candle

In the fiery embrace of Aries season, we awaken the passionate flame within, embracing the essence of bold beginnings and divine inspiration. Like a celestial dance, it empowers us to embody our truest selves and fearlessly manifest our desires. Our Aries Candle captures the essence of this dynamic energy, infusing the air with the transcendent fragrance of jasmine, the soul-nurturing touch of tonka bean, and the grounding presence of sandalwood. Amber radiates a warm and illuminating energy, while light musk whispers of spiritual connection. Light it to awaken the inner fire, aligning your spirit with the universal flow and embarking on a journey of courageous self-expression.

About Every Good Candle Studio

Our pure soy wax candles are a natural extension of our work at Passages Healing Arts, our holistic therapy practice.  All of our candles are energetically balancing and joyfully handmade from sustainable, eco-friendly materials in our Santa Fe studio, a meeting place of sun, sky, and spirit, nestled in the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains. 

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